Well, That F*cked Me Up! Surviving Life Changing Events.
Well, That F*cked Me Up! Surviving Life Changing Events.
S5 EP8: Nicola's Story - Surviving Cancer My Way
'Apple Cider Vinegar' is a show on Netflix about Belle Gibson, the woman that fooled the world that she had brain cancer, and healed it 'holistically'! She made millions, taking charity money and raking in donations for a disease she did not have. It has sparked a wider conversation about beating Cancer holistically, steering clear of Chemo and Radiation, and is it even possible?
'I am afraid you have Cancer, and a 65% chance of making another 5 years'. These are the words that Nicola Corcoran heard, as a mother of two, over a decade ago. In this mesmerizing episode, we hear how Nicola rejected traditional medicine, including Chemo and Radiation, and changed the way she lived in order for her to succeed and continue living a life beyond her wildest dreams. Astonishingly she has never been told the Cancer has gone, but through changing her perspective, working on her physical and mental wellbeing, Nicola is thriving and helping other people with cancer to overcome their fear, and live full and liberated lives.
Nicola made it her mission to heal, embracing a totally new way of living. she reassessed her lifestyle down to the way she eats, thinks and breathes. Incredible!!!
Links From Nicola:
Website: https://www.nourishandgrow.love/about
IG: https://www.instagram.com/nourish_and.grow/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/nicolacorcoranwellnessdoula/