Well, That F*cked Me Up! Surviving Life Changing Events.
Well, That F*cked Me Up! Surviving Life Changing Events.
S4 EP44: Maria's Story - Life Beyond Childhood PTSD
Maria Riegger is a banking/corporate attorney by day, and a fiction author by night. Maria’s head has always been in the clouds. From a young age, her mother scolded her for not paying attention; when she was bored, she would make up stories in her head. She has been writing since she was about thirteen years old. Maria’s story starts in her childhood, with abuse and narcasism at the hands of her mother. We follow her journey away from the grasp of her mother, and discuss her struggles to find emotional freedom. Children that have been indoctrinated with negative thinking, scolding, and emotional abuse, often have a very hard time believing in themselves in later life. Childhood PTSD is very, very real. People pleasing is common, and often finding yourself in one sided relationships, a lack of confident decison making, unhealthy bounderies, and even wading into another abusive relationship without knowing you are doing it! This is an amazing episode for everyone who has ever struggled with low self esteem, and in fact for anyone who has ever had to deal with other human beings!
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Amazon Author page: https://amzn.to/2RS3YMU
Audiobooks: https://lawschoolheretic.com/audiobooks/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RieggerM
Email: maria@lawschoolheretic.com