Well, That F*cked Me Up! Surviving Life Changing Events.
Well, That F*cked Me Up! Surviving Life Changing Events.
S4 EP37: Alyssa's Story - Escaping 19 Years Of Abuse
One day in her car, Alyssa Decker was scanning the radio stations for something to listen to. She came across a woman who was telling the story of her marriage, and she was immediately captivated. The woman on the radio was describing Alyssa's marriage, almost exactly. For some reason, it had not occurred to her that there might be other marriages like hers. As the woman was talking, Alyssa was driving down the road with tears streaming down her face. She felt so seen, like the woman on the radio somehow knew her situation. And then the voice on the radio said the words that would set Alyssa's world spinning on its axis, never to recover. “I realized I was in an abusive marriage, and that I couldn’t stay.” Alyssa immediately thought 'NO. I’m not in an abusive marriage! My marriage is just hard. One day we’ll figure it out, and it will get better’. The trouble was, she knew that truth, and it felt like a punch to the gut that stole her breath away. Now that she knew, she couldn’t go back. Finally, she faced reality with the help of a support group. She started learning how to create a different conversation in her mind, which led to calmer reactions, which led to a happier life and freedom!
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